Relaxation by Amandine Arcs

Back to school season will begin in a few weeks, and with it will come doubts, fears and a lot of other friends that we would love to live without. We must admit that the past few months has been quite hard for everyone , they’ve been overwhelming, upsetting and all the changes that came because of the virus had brought an additional source of stress in our daily lives. Anxiety, stress and fear are emotions that weaken the organism, so here are some easy elements to use to find inner peace durably. The goal here is not to learn how to control your emotions but to let go as well as you can using simple relaxation techniques.

First thing first, meditation:

My advice is to meditate is the morning. According to me, and it’s totally personal, if you fall asleep while meditating, it’s called relaxation, not meditation. The gap between those to is a small one, but these are two different things. Meditation is a way to clear your mind, your body. Of course, and it’s totally normal, you won’t necessarily succeed to clear your spirit at the first try.

“Meditation is like a sport, you need to train to reach your goal.”

Start by sitting in a quiet place, with some low lights where you won’t be disturbed, and close your eyes. Listen to the noises that are around you whatever they are: the noise of people down the street, the noise of your coffee machine, those little things that are part of the whole thing… Welcome your thoughts without judging them, without analyzing them, just let them come through, like clouds.

Accept the fact to feel all kind of emotions, even if they aren’t positives, always keeping in mind that: You are an absolutely incredible human being. It’s simple but complex at the same time.

You are not everything you seemed to be, you are not your job, your family, your relationship, et when you decide to use meditation, you’ve got to let in a bow what’s defining you in the eyes of the others in order to stay alone with yourself. Eckart Tolle once said “I am not the content of my life“. And I think this sums up the essential. You are not the content of you life, each second, every decisions you make are an act of auto-definition, each seconds by your action, your words, you’re reinventing yourself! And that is what turns you, your body and your physical wrap into «the space in which everything happens». To make it easy, you are like an ideas box in which what you do, what you say, what you think and feel is turned into hormones but also energies. If you bring the lights in, the joy, love and peace within you, naturally you’ll attract similar vibrations.

Light attracts light:

My favorite mediation app is Meditopia! It proposes wonderful sounds it its free version!

During meditation, it can be interesting to use an essential oils roll-on. My favorite is a roll-on from the Emergency Line from Fleurs de Bach. It will helps you to get the best in what essential oils have to offer, but also, it brings a nice smell to this moment.

Thanks to this, when you’ll be in a stressful situation, without being able to meditate and find peace, use this roll-on that will send like a notification to your brain who will remember that this smell is linked to a meditative moment, a moment of peace. You’ll find your balance more quickly.

Breathe work has also an important role, here is an easy exercice to help you if your thoughts gets too intense: begin with breathing slowly using your nose, and count to 4. Block that inhale for 4 seconds.Then exhale slowly using your mouth, still counting to 4. And again lock for 4 seconds. Then breathe slowly.

Respirelax+ app can help you!

Meditation and breathing work combined can be two precious tools, and if they’re used often, they can change your life (and the point of view that you can have on small matters). And because you must be prepared before it gets worst, they are Les Fleurs de Bach. Les Fleurs de Bach are a flower elixir that have a positive effect on the mind but also on your mood, they have the power to change our weakness in strength.

The Stress Elixir is a mix of 7 plants (agrimony, oak, impatience, white chestnut tree, pine, wild apple tree and vervain), it can be used as a background treatment totally natural against stress to find an emotional balance.

Sleeping has also an important role to maintain your emotional balance! If you have an essential oil streamer, use it 30 minutes before you go to bed and put: 3 drops of ylang ylang essential oil, 3 drops of true lavender essential oil and 3 drops of sour orange seed essential oil. (Make sure to keep your door open to avoid a strong smell).

? Be careful: Make sure you don’t have any allergies regarding essential oils! (Pregnant women and children that are less then 6 years old can’t use this).

Before going to bed, if you feel overwhelmed and you need to relax a bit, take a bath, and add to you neutral bath base 5 drops of geranium rose essential oil, 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil and add two handfuls of epsom salt. If you don’t have any bathtub, you can to a feet bath.

To go further:

In lithotherapy, the watermelon tourmaline melon reminds of summertime, sun and the sound of waves. It’s a rock that will bring strength in your positives thoughts, it will also helps fighting stress and turning the negative into positive. It’s linked to the heart’s chakra, the center of emotions, it will helps you to take position if you meet difficulties.

Before you wear it as a jewel or wrapped in your pocket, make sure you purify it! To do so, put it into a glass of water with sea salt during 24 hours. Once the 24 hours are done, clean it with a soft towel, and let it in the sun all day long. Now it’s purified and charged!

To replace screens when the night comes, “Le Pouvoir du Moment présent” by Eckart Tolle is a great help to let go! A concentrate of tips and tricks to see life from the bright side.

I hope those small tips will help you to fill your heart with light, calm your mind, go back to essentials and be guided into peace without fear, on the happiness path.

Amandine Arcs