The smooth criminal method for acne
Acne is a word that scares us all. A lot of us has already experience it and it’s a real problem for some of you guys. Standards decide to do a small investigation about what causes acne, but also about the non-agressive treatment methods for your skin .
Firstly we asked a few question to Sylvie Peres, dermatologist and founder of Alaena.
« During puberty, there is an abondance of sexual hormones that are going to stimulate sebum production (something your skin produce naturally). Too much sebum in your skin plus its thickening will avoid sebum elimination, and provoque the apparition of spots and other skin problems. For the teenager, acne begin on the forehead, meanwhile it takes place on chin and neck for adults. »
The principals causes
For Sylvie Peres, acne is generally due to:
– hormones : high hormones level during adolescence ; for some of us it can continue through adulthood (quick note : animal’s milk rich in hormones can cause this too)
– Medication like vitamins cocktails (B12), some dietary supplement taken in order to increase muscle mass, some contraception
– Tobacco causes sebum accumulation by destroying the elastic part of your skin.
– Stress
Alternative methods:
But how can you gently end acne? In addition to general treatments like zinc, that has anti-inflammatory powers, and others well known treatments, we wanted to add some more tips for your skin.
Sylvie Peres: « I think that before any treatment, it’s necessary to check your lifestyle. And think about your skin in general. For this I recommend:
– Outdoor sports
– Remove cow milk and animal’s milky products, transformed food with too much additives
– Prefer vegetal based milks (soy, almond, coconut…)
– Eat twice a week products as lentils, quinoa or chickpea. For the maximum benefits buy them dry and put them in water 12 to 24 hours before you cook them. They will restore your intestinal flora.
These thought is also shared by Sofiia Manousha, actress and founder of the website mybeautyfuelfood.com, that recommends to take in the morning with an empty stomach cider vinegar with lemon.
« It acts in depth skin and free your skin from impurities. With empty stomach in the morning with a small amount of lemon and room temperate water, it boosts your metabolism and acts on your digestive system. A beauty product not expensive to think about. »

Recipe : 1 large apple cider vinegar spoon with half a lemon in a big glass of water 30 minutes before your breakfast. Recipe approved by : JJ chase – naturopath.
A suitable beauty routine:
With all those tips and tricks, don’t forget to include daily gestures that will help your skin to feel better! « About the beauty routine, I recommend exclusively natural products, without any petrochemistry in it » Sylvie Peres
Here is the perfect beauty routine for Sylvie Peres, dermatologist and founder of Alaena:
Under the shower use a cold-pressed soap to clean sebum, sweat and impurities ( Mango & Avocado soap, Alaena). At night if you wear make-up, remove it with a vegetal oil (Cleansing oil, Alaena).
Apply in the morning and at night on clean skin the Moisturizing cream for mixed skin from Alaena. It will regulate sebum and give the hydration needed. Its green color will mitigate red skin.
3 – CARE
Apply the fruits acids peeling 2 or 3 à week. You can use it as a mask too.
In case of emergency you can apply the Repairing cream on a spot all the way until it heals.
Use 100% minerals powders and if needed, liquid bio foundation.
I also recommend care like light therapy, professionals peelings, SPA skin cleansing or at a dermatologist.
Finally we asked Sylvie Peres what was the best way to get rid of acne?
« I think the best way to erase acne is firstly to ask yourself about your diet and your beauty routine. if acne stays, you’ll have to try to understand the causes et use pharmaceuticals last resort. Be careful to not hide the problem because there is a risk that acne comes back after treatment.»
Keep in mind that caring acne takes time, be kind and patient to yourself, try to understand your skin as much as possible even when it makes you crazy.