Skin positivity with Monique Schreiber
Monique Schreiber, 25 years old, Social Media Specialist– Durban, South Africa. @moniqueschreiber
Can you tell us about your morning beauty routine?
I always start the day by cleansing with a gentle soap free cleanser or milk cleanser. While being on Roaccutane (Isotretinoin), it is essential to ensure your skin is not stripped of natural oils. After cleansing, I apply my all-time favourite hydrating serum from SKOON called Wow-Wow-Wonder, which is a triple blend of hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C. I then apply my moisturiser and SPF cream over to protect my skin during the day.
What is your favorite product to soothe your skin?
It has to be Squalane concentrate from SKOON! Squalane is one of the best ingredients I have introduced into my skincare since my acne journey. My skin has become increasingly sensitive the longer I have been on Roaccutane, and Squalane helps to boost hydration and protect my skin from damage so it really is a product I cannot go without.
Regarding masking, what is your must-have?
Oh, I love a good mask! I have 2 firm favourites: The Body Shop Himalayan Charcoal Clay Mask,– it works wonderfully for extracting excess oils and dirt from the skin whilst giving it a much needed scrub. I used to use it once a week before I started Roaccutane, and will definitely be introducing it into my routine again once my course is done. My second favourite, which is currently what I use every night, is SKOON’s Ruby Marine Overnight Mask. It smells like heaven and soothes my skin so beautifully overnight thanks to its rich hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, wakame and marula. I sometimes even add a small dollop to my moisturiser in the morning to give my skin a little extra hydration when it’s needed.
What is, according to you, the best products and tips to gently cure acne?
Treating acne is a very personal journey. I have learnt over the last year or so of having acne, that there really is no one magical cure for everyone. Acne comes in different forms, which all require different avenues of treatment. Over the course of my acne journey, I have learnt through trial and error that not every product works for everyone. My advice would be to research the type of acne that you have and seek medical advice before trying any sort of products or diets to clear your acne. Secondly, healing acne is a holistic process, meaning that you should not simply rely on one solution to fix your skin. I have chosen Roaccutane to help me, as it was my last resort to clearing my acne, but I have also implemented lifestyle changes such as a cleaner diet and a more intentional skincare regime to assist my body in the healing process. What works for some, may not always work for you.
Skin positivity is more and more important these days, and essential at Standards Magazine. Do you have any advice to help people getting along with their skin type?
The best thing I could have done for myself when I developed acne was finding and connecting with others that have or are walking the same path as me. I discovered the acne community on Instagram at the beginning of my acne journey and it has helped me so much mentally and emotionally to cope with my condition and love my skin for everything that it is, pimples included! Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies, and we need to give it more love and attention. Listen to what it is telling you, it cannot lie. Love your skin, be thankful for it, and always remember that you are never alone in your struggles.