Zoom on Emmanuel Fourès

Emmanuel Fourès, 24 ans, créateur de contenu, modèle photo, styliste – Paris.@mrfoures

Is there a product that stay by your side no matter what ?
A small coconut oil balm.

How do you choose the products you use ?
My choice depends on the texture, if they match my skin type, also I try to choose products without perfume and alcohol to prevent skin irritation. Moreover I only choose cruelty free items.

What about your night routine ?
For my night routine I always start with a double step cleaning: firstly I use a oily balm or an oil, because it’s way less agressive for the skin and it allows to remove the sunscreen. Then I use a cleansing gel with salicylic acid, it helps removing all limestone particles at starts the hydratation of my skin. Finally I use an essence and a serum, they both have ingredients that attenuates pigmentary spots due to sun.


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